2024-25 LOF Team
Laura-Catherine (LC) Dawson
Founder, Director
Hi! In 2015 I surrendered everything I had to the Lord, including a little ballet class I had started called “Leaps of Faith” that was providing 10 kids with free ballet classes. Since then, He’s taken me on a wild journey of trusting Him and has called me to take big and small “leaps of faith”, including in 2021 leaving my career as a 1st grade teacher to start leading Leaps of Faith as my full-time job. I’ve found Him to be more faithful, good, and kind than I ever could have imagined.
Psalm 27:4
I ask only one thing from the Lord. This is what I want. Let me live in the Lord’s house all my life. Let me see the Lord’s beauty. Let me look around in his Temple.
Halle May
Executive Assistant, Lead Teacher
Hi there! This is my second year working full time at Leaps of Faith and I am just so so excited! I just got married on June 22nd to my sweet husband Jared. I have been dancing since I was in 3rd grade. I love to travel, teach, antique shop, and exercise. I cannot wait to dance with your babies with year!
Colossians 3:1-2
You were raised from death with Christ. So aim at what is in heaven, where Christ is sitting at the right hand of God. Think only about the things in heaven, not the things on earth.
Holly Stokes
Chief Opperating Officer
Ainsley Richardson
Assistant Teacher, Petite Class
This is my second year teaching at Leaps of Faith. It’s a highlight of my week and I love seeing the joy in each girls face as they dance! I grew up in Hattiesburg and I work for Ddembe Ministries, an orphan, widow, and family care ministry based in Jinja, Uganda.
Isaiah 43:19
Look at the new thing I am going to do. It is already happening. Don’t you see it? I will make a road in the desert. I will make rivers in the dry land.
Lindsay Meador
Assistant Teacher, Plie, Chasse, Jete classes
I am a freshman at USM this year. I can’t wait to spend time with your girls, getting to know them, sharing Jesus with them, and teaching them ballet! I have worked with Leaps of Faith for two years. I have two younger brothers and my family is involved in foster care, so we always have kiddos in our home. Spending time with them and pouring into them is one of my favorite things in the world to do.
1 John 4:4
Greater is He that is in you than he who is in the world.
Lynn Whitehead
Teacher, Relevé Level C
I love Jesus so much! I have two children, James and Kate. They are the best! We all go to The Church at 4 Points and love it. I teach nursing at USM and work as a nurse practitioner. One of my favorite things to do is be with my Leaps of Faith family!!
Colossians 1:17
Christ was there before anything was made. And all things continue because of him.
Sydney Beech
Assistant Teacher, Arabesque Class
Hi, I'm Sydney! I started dancing when I was 7 years old at my local dance studio, where I trained in many different styles of dance and competed with my studio’s competition team. I continued my dance career in college, where I was a member of both the football and basketball dance teams at Jones College and was a Dixie Darling at the University of Southern Mississippi. I graduated from Southern Miss in 2022 with my BFA in Graphic Design and now work as a graphic designer at RARE Design in Hattiesburg. There, my coworkers and I get to build brands for organizations all over the world! When I’m not designing or dancing, you’ll probably find me spending time with my family and pets.
Isaiah 41:10
So don’t worry, because I am with you. Don’t be afraid, because I am your God. I will make you strong and will help you. I will support you with my right hand that saves you.
Assistant teacher, Fouette class
Description My name is Jasmine Tennis and I am a dance Major at William Carey University. I grew up in a dance school and have basically been dancing all of my life! I have also been performing in musical theater productions since 2018. To pass my time I like to play video games and crochet. I also love to take my puppy magnolia on walks goes here.
1 Timothy 1:7
God did not give us a spirit that makes us afraid. He gave us a spirit of power and love and self-control.