Come and See

Come and see what God has done: he is awesome in his deeds toward the children of man. Psalm 66:5

Scene 1: He’s Here!

Scene 1 announced the most exciting news! God sent His beloved Son to earth! After so many years of waiting, He’s here!

Scene 2: Come and See Him

Scene 2 invited everyone to come to Him. Everyone! He came for the hurting, poor, broken, unfaithful, and needy.

Scene 4: Behold Him!

Scene 4 ended the show with celebration and worship of Jesus! Come let us adore Him!

Scene 3: Who is He?

Scene 3 looked at prophecies from the book of Isaiah and stories in the New Testament to see who Jesus is. He is Jesus, God made mortal, our long awaited Messiah, slain for sinners, and God triumphant. This, this is Christ the King!

